Ways to Grow Your Newsletter to 50k+ Engaged Readers

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Show notes

More than 90% of Americans subscribe to at least one email newsletter.

Yet, majority of newsletters don’t see the traction they are expecting.

Which is why we invited the top copywriting experts to teach you how they’ve generated thousands of loyal newsletter subscribers in their space.

Whether you’re thinking about starting a newsletter for your brand or trying to figure out how to make yours stand out, this conversation will help equip you to walk away with actionable tactics you can leverage to get started right away!

What You'll Learn:
  • How to get engaged readers to your newsletter
  • Examples of highly effective newsletter structure and copy
  • Proven framework to grow your subscriber count


Jack Kosakowski
Jack Kosakowski
Jack Kosakowski
Creation Agency
Devin Reed
Devin Reed
Devin Reed
Head of Content
Eddie Shleyner
Eddie Shleyner
Eddie Shleyner
