Tracking Social Media ROI in the Days of Dark Social

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Show notes

With dark social around, it’s getting harder and harder to track if your social media strategy is working.

And with dark social taking up 84% of all referral traffic, it’s imperative that you understand how to use it and use it well.

So what steps can you take to start creating a strategy that actually tracks if your efforts are impacting anything?

Watch this Market Better show as we talk through how dark social has impacted marketing strategies, what analytics to track, and how to use this new data to plan more targeted campaigns.

What You'll Learn:
  • The importance of dark social in your marketing strategy
  • The key metrics you should be tracking
  • Creating targeted campaigns with valuable dark social data


Darryl Praill
Darryl Praill
Darryl Praill
Diandra Escobar
Diandra Escobar
Diandra Escobar
Content Strategist
Distinctiva Strategies
Arthur Castillo
Arthur Castillo
Arthur Castillo
Head of Dark Social & Evangelism
Chili Piper
Jack Kosakowski
Jack Kosakowski
Jack Kosakowski
Creation Agency
