How Lavender and HockeyStack Cracked the B2B Influencer Code

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Show notes

How do companies like Lavender and HockeyStack drive their strategic narrative to ultimately drive growth?

The Easy Mode Framework.

A proven influencer marketing framework that helps build awareness and content for your brand while also sticking to your initiatives.

Learn how the top marketing voices in the B2B space are utilizing this framework and how you can implement it inside your organization today.

What You'll Learn:
  • Ways to leverage your internal & external influencers to create a content engine
  • Implementing a “series” to drive your B2B influencer marketing campaigns
  • How to build a “rabbit hole” for your prospects and customers using influencer content


Jack Kosakowski
Jack Kosakowski
Jack Kosakowski
Creation Agency
Obaid Durrani
Obaid Durrani
Obaid Durrani
Head of Content
Todd Clouser
Todd Clouser
Todd Clouser
