How to Turn Cold Website Traffic Into Leads Using the RB2B + Clay Playbook

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Show notes

40% of B2B sites receive between 1,000 - 15,000 visitors per month.

Yet, most marketers don’t have the technology or a plan on how to identify these website visitors or communicate with them unless they fill out a form.

So what if we could create a fully automated campaign that takes cold website traffic and turns them into leads using a highly personalized outreach strategy?

Learn the steps you need to take with Inbound-Led Outbound expert, Adam Robinson, and Clay expert, Patrick Spychalski, to see the framework that converts 11% more leads into booked meetings.

What You'll Learn:

  • How to utilize your website visitors for a bigger pipeline
  • The step-by-step framework for fully automated campaigns
  • One-click LinkedIn messages, email copy, and voice messages that convert


Jack Kosakowski
Jack Kosakowski
Jack Kosakowski
Creation Agency
Adam Robinson
Adam Robinson
Adam Robinson
Founder & CEO
Patrick Spychalski
Patrick Spychalski
Patrick Spychalski
The Kiln
